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AT3 the reunion

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AT3 the reunion Empty AT3 the reunion

Message  satine Jeu 26 Juil - 16:09

Et voilà comme annoncé depuis un an, la Gabit Events revient!

La convention d'Amanda Tapping, se tiendra à Londres (à l'hôtel Renaissance, d'Heathrow) du 2 au 4 mai 2008.
Comme indiqué dans le message du staff ci-dessous, les places seront mises en vente à partir du 14 Août!

En espérant vous y voir nombreux!

"Dear All,
the G4 are pleased to announce that Registration will open for AT3 on
Tuesday 14th August at 5pm Local UK Time which is currently BST- British
Summer time. This makes it a reasonable time for most of the world.
Please find a world clock and check what time it will be in your region.

Barring any last minute technical difficulties , at this time, the link
for the registration system will appear on the registration page. You
will need to have a form of payment ready ( credit or Debit card) or
have made arrangements with us for a direct bank Transfer or UK Cheque
to be sent.

All the details of what is included in the ticket prices can be found on
the new website, but if you have any further questions, please don't
hesitate to ask. There is a contact us link on the site.

We look forward to welcoming you to London in May next year for our
third event with Amanda in the UK.

Best Wishes
Becky, Kay, Julia & John,
The G4
Lecteur des Harry Potter
Lecteur des Harry Potter

Nombre de messages : 783
Age : 36
Localisation : la tête dans les étoiles
Loisirs : écrire, lire, aller sur l'ordi....
Date d'inscription : 19/03/2006

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